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Our Curriculum

We believe that children learn best when they are motivated, happy and engaged, so we provide an interesting and varied curriculum, which is systematically planned to meet the needs of all of our children and prepare them for life in the modern world.

The project each term really captures my child's imagination, and he is very enthused by the topics, which is great to see, and we all learn from them!

(Parent Questionnaire)

The academy curriculum is based on the requirements of the National Curriculum, with additional experiences and opportunities that are particularly relevant to our pupils. The main subjects are English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, Art, History, Geography, Music, PE, PSHCE, RE, and Languages (French). To learn more about the curriculum in each year group please go to the appropriate year group page on this website.

The National Curriculum is split into 3 Key Stages.

  • Early Years Foundation Stage – Reception (YR) (EARLY YEARS)
  • Key Stage 1 – Y1 and Y2 (INFANT)
  • Key Stage 2 – Y3 to Y6 (JUNIOR)

Our dedicated teachers plan closely to produce exciting, relevant and differentiated activities which ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and achieve high standards. 


 In KS2, children can choose from various books that match their reading age.

We have also built a fantastic Reading Yurt in the middle of our library to create an exciting reading environment for all our children. Additionally, each year group has access to a wonderful learning zone which includes a range of books for children to read.

Children are also encouraged to read for pleasure in school and at home, both online and in a more traditional way!

It is great that we can use any (reading) materials to encourage my child to read, we are not just restricted to a certain range of books.  We are really happy with Eastbrook and how our children are developing. 

(Parent Questionnaire)

My daughter really enjoys her time at Eastbrook, and I am impressed with how she has been taught phonics and all the extra activities offered, such as Book Week. Overall, I am very impressed with the school.