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EPA Local Governing Body

The governors have an essential role to play in support of their academies. They are fully involved in the academy’s strategic management and every part of academy life. It is their task to ask questions and seek convincing answers. They act as an important link between the community, the school and the Trust.

Our governing body is working tirelessly to ensure that the academy has everything and more to deliver the very best education for all the pupils. We are committed to providing the greatest care and our governors support the academy to make sure standards and achievement in all areas are always high.

Eastbrook has up to 12 Governor positions consisting of a maximum of 4 Trust Governors, 3 Staff, 2 Parents, and 3 Co-Opted Governors. The full governing body meets 9 times during the academic year.

Governing Body and Roles - 2023/2024

Name Position Governor Responsibility
Mr Matthew Clark Headteacher- Ex officio  
Dr Louise Askew Chair EYFS
Mr Rob Milsom Co-opted Governor Finance and Grants
Pavneet McEwan Trust Governor Safeguarding (from September 2024)
Mrs Jenny Holter Trust Governor SEND
Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam Co-opted Governor Well-being 
Mrs Farrah Heerah Parent Governor Outcomes and Safeguarding 
Mr Tom Welland Trust Governor (vice-chair) Health and Safety 
Mr Michael Walker Parent Governor (vice-chair) Curriculum
Ms Elaine Ross Staff Governor Marketing and communication
Mrs Lauren Sutcliff Staff Governor

If you need to contact our Chair of Governors, Dr Louise Askew, please email the school office ( in the first instance.